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"I felt like this book was written just for me! I couldn’t put the book down. I feel so empowered, full of love for myself, and inspired to leave people pleasing in the past. I highly recommend this book!"

-Amazon Reviewer


You Know That Feeling...

You know that feeling that’s been tugging at your heart and mind for a while now? 

The one that has you wondering what’s outside the lines you’ve been coloring in?


The one that has you longing to see what else you might be called to? 

The one that has you curious to uncover who you really are and experience new horizons? 

The one that just has you wanting more?


I know that feeling too, and I can tell you that’s a good thing.

Meet Trina

I'm Trina Stutzman, and I'm a fellow traveler on this path to the kind of soul awakening that reignites your passion and playfulness in life, helping you to show up not as you’ve been expected to be, but as you truly are. 


I'm also a credentialed professional coach with the training and experience to guide you on the path to discovering and celebrating your true self. I help women bridge the gap between longing for more and living a life that is fearlessly authentic and free.


That feeling that's been tugging at your soul is an invitation to connect with your sacred Self and live a life of expanded joy, purpose, and empowerment. And I can help you listen to it.



What I Specialize In

The Journey Towards Health Begins on the Path of Self Love.

Begin Your Journey Today.

"My coaching sessions with Trina have helped me gain more confidence as a leader in the past year than I ever believed to be possible. She challenges me by asking questions, making suggestions, and offering feedback. Thanks to Trina, I have learned that leading with my heart is what will take me the furthest in my leadership journey."

- Sarah, business owner

"Trina has been a very influential person in my life and has helped shape the person I am today. She is truly gifted in guiding people toward better overall health and has helped me discover so much about myself. I can’t thank her enough."

- Margaret, therapist

"Trina uses her gifts to nurture women and their spirits in a very important way. You don't know how much the group has meant to me. It has enabled me to be more successful in my relationships with my husband, my family, and God. It has also given me more confidence to do things I am meant to do."

- Cher, artist


Contact Trina

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